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Free Complete Sahi Muslim in Urdu PDF

Sahih Muslim is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (also known as the sunnah). The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called ahadith. Muslim lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadith. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Muslim's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).

Muslim (full name Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Nisapuri) was born in 202 A.H. and died in 261 A.H. He travelled widely to gather his collection of ahadith, including to Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. Out of 300,000 ahadith which he evaluated, only 4,000 approximately were extracted for inclusion into his collection based on stringent acceptance criteria. Muslim was a student of Bukhari.

It is important to realize, however, that Muslim's collection is not complete: there are other scholars who worked as Muslim did and collected other authentic reports.


  • Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj recorded only such narratives as were reported by two reliable successors from two Sahabah (Companions of Muhammad) which subsequently travelled through two independent  consisting of sound narrators. Muhammad al-Bukhari has not followed such a strict criterion.
  • Scientific arrangement of themes and chapters. The author, for example, selects a proper place for the narrative and, next to it, puts all its versions. Muhammad al-Bukhari has not followed this method (he scatters different versions of a narrative and the related material in different chapters). Consequently, in the exercise of understanding ahādīth. Sahīh of Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj offers the best material to the students.
  • Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj informs us whose wordings among the narrators he has used. For example he says: haddathanā fulān wa fulān wallafz lifulān (A and B has narrated this hadīth to us and the wording used here is by A). Similarly he mentions whether, in a particular hadīth, the narrators have differed over the wordings even over a single letter of zero semantic significance. He also informs the readers if narrators have differed over a specific quality, surname, relation or any other fact about a narrator in the chain.

Urdu Version : Sahih Muslim Arabic/Urdu, an authentic collection of Ahadeeth, Being Traditions of the Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as Narrated by his Companions and Compiled under the Title Al Jami as-Sahih, was originally compiled in Arabic by Abu’l Asakir-ud-din Muslim bin Hajjaj al-Qushayri al-Naisaburi Muslim, popularly known as Imam Muslim. He spent most of his life in learning Ahadeeth, confirming authenticity and teaching the same to others.

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